Arriving at Paddington at the same time as yesterday I noticed that the 18:00 Bristol service was already cancelled (are you reading FGW?) so this left me the choice of whether to gamble again on the 18:03 to Penzance or wait for the 18:05 Frome service and go straight through to my home station.
As I say, it surely couldn’t help twice could it?
Well for a moment I thought it could well do as we left late again (are you reading FGW?) and what with the overspill from the cancelled 18:00 getting aboard this one it was a right old crowded, sitting in the aisles, non-working air con mess of a train in particular 42252 which was the Carriage E where I was positioned. (Are you reading FGW?)
All was fine as we steamed towards Reading especially as I knew we were definitely ahead of the 18:05, but exactly how much ahead wasn’t clear until I disembarked and gathered from fellow tweeting travellers that the 18:05 had broken down just outside Acton. (Are you reading FGW?)
There was no way I could have got this info from the station staff at Reading as the bloke on the announcements had obviously decided to do his shift wearing a snorkel parka and a balaclava helmet (are you reading FGW?) and for all I knew he could have been reading out his shopping list.
Anyway by the time the clock had completed its long drawn out journey to 19:12 I could at least take the Turbo to Thatcham and arrive home just over ½ hour late (are you reading FGW?) but pity the poor people trapped aboard the 18:05 who still weren’t moving by the time I left. (Are you reading FGW?)
When I arrived at Thatcham I was greeted by the automated station voice who in her own stylish non-apologetic way sais – “we’re sorry to announce the Frome service is delayed by 72 minutes.” – 72 MINUTES! (ARE YOU READING FGW?)
I only hope all the passengers aboard were given the free drink FGW are obliged to serve for all delays over an hour.
Oh, remember I started collecting Ambassadors? Well guess who was on Reading station with nothing to do (no trains you see – are you reading FGW?) none other than our old friend Luke and this time accompanied by a sturdy looking fella called Grahame. As I say both looked slightly at loose ends and what with all traffic between Reading and Paddington having to tiptoe around the stranded 18:05 they’d have done better putting the kettle on for the next hour.
Never mind – It’s jam tomorrow!
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